Handley Mission Blog

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Going on a Mission

For a while, I was planning to title this blog post something about a course correction, or a change in direction. That would imply however, that we were already on a course and following a direction, neither would be accurate. It’s true that Virginia and I have compiled a bucket list of activities we would like to check off one day. At the top of the list is visiting all the national parks in the country. Most of those could be reached while we traveled the backroads of America pulling our Scamp trailer behind us. We started that journey last year and saw most of the parks in the West: Utah, Wyoming, Montana, Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Colorado, and Arizona. We had a great time. We found that we could live comfortably in 70 sq. ft. of space for extended periods of time.


After a while however, we started feeling restless. As fun as it was to visit new places and explore the many wonderful outdoor spaces, we began wondering if this were all we would do the remainder of our lives. Something was missing. We loved the mountains, forests, streams, and meadows, but we weren’t connecting to people, serving others, and developing spiritually. We’ve been home most of winter because we learned it takes a lot of dedication and work to stay warm in our little trailer. We spent a month in Arizona earlier this year but spent most of our time sitting in the sun reading books. Nothing wrong with relaxing, but again, we asked ourselves is this it for the rest of our lives. I’m 63, and I hope to have a few more decades of living still.


Upon serious introspection, and promptings of the Spirit, we decided it was time we submit an application to our church to serve a fulltime service mission. Typically, when one does this, it is with the faith that one is willing to go anywhere and do anything. There are opportunities to request areas that might take advantage of professional skills and talents. But in general, we agreed to place ourselves in the Lord’s hands, and go where He would have us serve.


So, instead of writing about a course correction, I have likened this to embarking on a journey, or a pilgrimage wherein we are searching for deeper meaning to life while serving others in a distant land. It is not about changing course but engaging life and applying ourselves to the betterment of others.


Until now, this blog has been primarily used to exploit my photography and share our travels in the Scamp as we traveled throughout the country. For the next two years, the tone and direction of the blog will follow our journey and pilgrimage on a church service mission. In saying this, I am letting my audience know that in future writings I will not remain faith neutral. I will openly relate the spiritual experiences that Virginia and I share, our trials and how we overcome them, and also how we live as Christians in a modern world. We are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We have been called to serve in the Hawaii Laie Mission on the north shore of the island of Oahu. We will primarily be working at the Polynesian Cultural Center, which is owned and operated by the church. My specific assignment will be to work as Theatre and Lighting Specialist in the Pacific Theatre and other areas of the Center. We are unsure at this time how the Center will make use of Virginia’s many talents. We look forward to the great adventures that await us.

And of course, there should be plenty of room to include photography. Hopefully we’ll witness many glorious sunrises and sunsets.

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