
I received my first camera in 1976. It was a graduation gift from my parents when I completed high school. That first camera was a great little machine, an Olympus OM1. It served me well for almost 25 years. I took it wherever I roamed; up mountains, down rivers, to foreign lands. As the film era came to an end I faced the decision of what direction to turn. The two leading manufacturers in my mind were Nikon and Canon. It was almost a coin toss choice except for the lyric to a song that stuck in the back of my head. Paul Simon sang:


I got a Nikon camera
I love to take a photograph
So mama don't take my Kodachrome away


So, I bought a Nikon. Too often I feel that old wearisome argument between which brand is better. It’s the same argument I get when I discuss my choice in computer, Mac or PC. For whatever reasons, I’ve been happy in the Nikon world except for the weight I feel on my back. I suspect the day is not far distant when I adopt myself into another family of camera and lenses in an effort to lighten the load by purchasing a mirrorless camera.


Throughout my married life, I promised my wife that I would never draw funds from the family budget to support the photography habit. I knew long ago that photography could easily become a black hole of endless gear purchases and no amount of money would ever fill it up. I promised to earn every penny I spend on the hobby/habit through a separate photo business. For nearly 35 years I have remained faithful to that promise. As I near retirement from my regular day job as a stage lighting designer at a major university, I need an outlet to market my work and perhaps sell a photo now and then. I tried marketing myself on Facebook but quickly became discouraged by the limitations imposed by that platform. This blog will now serve as my storefront. Please feel welcome to browse through my galleries and leave a comment if you feel so inspired.