Handley Mission Blog

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Winter in Wallsburg

You may be thinking, "Winter in Wallsburg, but it's only August". I've been crazy busy the last month. Our drive to Minnesota and back, plus the week in Grand Canyon, left us exhausted. I also have a regular day job that needs my attention. So, between being worn out from traveling, catching up at work, and trying to reclaim my yard and garden, I didn't get out to shoot this week. I don't want to skip a post, so I dug into my archives for a shoot I did in February and never wrote about in the blog.

Wallsburg is a small rural community 27 miles from my house. It's a scenic drive up Provo Canyon and past Deer Creek Reservoir to get there. I have visited Wallsburg several times over the years, but never found it photographically interesting until this last winter when it was blanketed in snow. The winter landscape was simpler and somehow more orderly. The graphic images of the fence lines, irrigation pipes, bare trees, and white fields was very striking. Compositions came easy to me on this day. I originally attempted to render the images in color. I later discovered that what little color was present, didn't add to the impact of the photograph. The black and white quality greatly enhances the geometric layout of the fields. In these images, form is more important to the mood of the photograph than the beauty that color adds to the presentation.

It's been hot in Utah. It seems wildfires are happening all around us. The sky has been smoky all week. Several nights ago, we had a beautiful sunset because the monsoon moisture was overhead, and with the added smoke, we had wonderful rays of light that turned deep orange and red as the sun set. Sadly, I was busy that evening with a service project and couldn't run out with my camera and shoot the sky. With temperatures in the upper 90's, it is refreshing to look at these images of snow.