It’s been a hot summer, and dry as well. The past week has been slightly cooler and I have hopes that we have finally turned the corner. Looking up at the hills around Utah Valley, I’m beginning to see slight tinges of red and orange. With my knee surgery last week, I know I won’t be going on long hikes with a heavy camera backpack for the rest of the summer. I thought about what I might blog about this week. It occurred to me that maybe I could drive into the mountains and look for an early changer among a summer backdrop. I had an idea to isolate a maple or scrub oak that was already jumping into fall, ahead of its companions.
It's a good day for photography when it starts out happening upon my favorite forest animal.
At the top of the Alpine Loop Road, there is a turn-off to Cascade Springs. Halfway to the springs, there is a dirt road I hadn’t yet explored: Mill Canyon Spring. That was my destination.
A three-image stitch panorama of the backside of Mount Timpanogos from the Mill Canyon Spring road.
To be truthful, I struggled to find that lone maple in fall color. The grasses and shrubs were clearly dressed for autumn and the aspens are still healthy and full of chlorophyll. What impressed me the most about the drive to Mill Canyon Spring, was the amazing and expansive views of the backside of Mount Timpanogos. There is no question I’ll be returning here when the aspens drift into brilliant yellow. With a sunset behind Timp, it could be a spectacular image.
I returned to the Cascade Springs Road and drove further east. As I dropped into Deer Creek Valley, I discovered hillsides of maples and oaks slipping into hues of orange and red. I hiked and bushwhacked through the scrub, and went as far as my knee would allow. I found one orange maple, a decent specimen on a ridge overlooking a draw.
I’m excited for the change in season although it also brings us that much closer to the winter snows. I love the summer and I endure the winter. Living in a land with four seasons is a wonderful experience.